I. Vocal music

1a. Solo voice & solo voice with piano
1b. Solo voice with other instrumental accompaniment
1c. Choir/vocal ensemble a cappella
1d. Choir/vocal ensemble with instrumental accompaniment
1a. Solo voice & solo voice with piano
1993 M’ AGAPAS? (Do you love me?) (22)
fantasy composition for solo voice
– premiere: Janie Pranger during a literary event of the writer Edzard Mik
published by: Donemus
1993 OFFERANDE (25)
for mezzo-soprano and fortepiano (or piano)
– text: Rozalie Hirs (Dutch)
– premiere: Elise Lorraine (soprano), Deborah Richards (fortepiano), 1993, the Hague
– duration: ca. 8 min.
published by: Donemus
for mezzo-soprano and fortepiano (or piano)
– premiere: 1993 in Budapest during the Pepiniere Budapest residence
– duration: ca. 1 min.
published by: Donemus
1995-2010 THE FACE OF LOVE (41)
Greek Love Songs [Greek]
for (mezzo) soprano or tenor and piano
- S’ENA FILO (Aan een friend), (for a friend) 1995
– text: Maria Polydouri - ANEMOS FYSA (Wind waait aan), (wind blows) 1997
– text: Calliope Tsoupaki - S’AGAPO (Ik hou van je), (I love you) 1997
– text: Viktoria Makri - ELA I GLARI M’ANAGELNOUN (Kom, de meewen kondigen mij aan), (Come, the seagulls announce me) 1999
– text: Giorgos Saradaris - ONIRO (Droom), (Dream) 1995
– text: Maria Polydouri - I ANIXI EFTASE (De lente is gekomen), (The spring has come) 1999
– text: Maria Polydouri - MAKRYA (Ver weg), (Far away) 1999
– text: Kostas Kavafis - IME TO LOULOUDI (Ik ben de bloem), (I am the flower) 1995
– text: Maria Polydouri - ELA MAZI MOU (Kom met me mee), (Come with me) 1995
– text: Maria Polydouri
The song circle is composed for the Greek singer Nena Venetsanou and is recorded on the CD The face of Love produced by Music Box International in Greece.
for tenor and piano (especially composed for Marcel Beekman) - FONES (Voices) 2010
– text: Kostas Kavafis - THIMISOU SOMA 2010
– text: Kostas Kavafis - EPESTREFE 2010
– text: Kostas Kavafis
published by: Donemus
THE FACE OF LOVE (1997-2010) [→ 1d. Choir / Vocal ensemble with instrumental accompaniment]
version for vocal quartet & brass quartet
- S’AGAPO (Ik hou van je), (I love you) 1997
– text: Viktoria Makri
- ELA I GLARI M’ANAGELNOUN (Kom, de meewen kondigen mij aan), (Come, the seagulls announce me) 1999
– text: Giorgos Saradaris - I ANIXI EFTASE (De lente is gekomen), (The spring has come) 1999
– text: Maria Polydouri - MAKRIA (Ver weg), (Far away) 1999
– text: Kostas Kavafis
premiere by Egidius Kwartet and Rotterdam Philharmonic Brass Soloists, Holland Festival 2009 - FONES (Voices) 2010
– text: Kostas Kavafis - THIMISOU SOMA 2010
-text: Kostas Kavafis - EPESTREFE 2010
– text: Kostas Kavafis - MERES TOU 1903 2006
– text: Kostas Kavafis - O SEPTEMVRIS TOU 1903 2009
– text: Kostas Kavafis - O DEKEMVRIS TOU 1903 2009
– text: Kostas Kavafis - O GENNARIS TOU 1904 2009
– text: Kostas Kavafis - ETSI POLY ATENISA 2007
– text: Kostas Kavafis
– composed for Egidius Kwartet
– premiere: Holland festival 2009
published by: Donemus
1996 UBI SUM ? (43)
for soprano and piano
– text: fragments from Seneca’s ‘Agamemnon’ [Latin]
– commissioned by the Universiteit Amsterdam in honour of Prof. Harm Pinkster
– premiere: Janni Pranger (soprano), Gerard Bouwhuis (piano), 1996, University of Amsterdam
– duration: ca. 11 min.
published by: Donemus
1b. Solo voice with other instrumental accompaniment
1990 SAPPHO’S TEARS (12)
for mezzo-soprano or countertenor, violin, and tenor recorder
– text: fragments from Sappho’s poems [Ancient Greek]
– premiere: Marjanne Kweksilber (soprano), Tosiya Suzuki (recorder), M.J. Schrener (violin), 1993, Concertgebouw, Amsterdam
– duration: ca. 15 min.
published by: Donemus
for tenor, violin and tenor recorder
– text: fragments from Sappho’s poems [Ancient Greek]
– duration: ca. 15 min.
published by: Donemus
for mezzo-soprano, tenor recorder, viola, cello, double bass and piano
– text: Fragments from the High Song [Greek-Byzantine]
– commissioned by the Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst and the Stichting Prime
– premiere: Marjanne Kweksilber (soprano) & chamber ensemble from Groningen, 1991, Oosterpoort, Groningen
– duration: ca. 16 min.
published by: Donemus
for voice and bandoneon (or accordion or and keyboard instrument)
– composed for Elise Lorraine
– text: Allen Ginsberg
– premiere: Elise Lorraine
published by: Donemus
1997 NOSTOS (47)
for singer & octet (violin, recorder, electric guitar, bass clarinet, trombone, double bass, percussion, piano) and soundtracks.
– text: ‘Anamesa stin thalassa’ a folk song from Thrace [Greek]
– commissioned by the Fonds voor de Scheppende Toonkunst
– premiere: Maarten Altena Ensemble, February 1997, theatre Frascati (Rumorie serie), Amsterdam
– duration: ca. 20 min.
published by: Donemus
for soprano (or 3 sopranos), violin/viola (one player), clarinet/basset horn (one player), cello & piano.
– text: Fragments from the novelle ‘The Hunting Gun’ by Yasushi Inoue [English]
– commissioned by the Ensemble Wendingen
– premiere by Wendingen at the Amstelkerk in Amsterdam on the 17th of March 2000.
– duration: ca. 50 min.
published by: Donemus
2000 VITA NOVA (69a)
for alto and harpsichord
first part of the chamber opera Vita Nova (can be performed independently)
– composed for Ayelet Harpaz
– text: La Vita Nuova by Dante [English & Italian from the original]
– duration: ca. 12 min.
published by: Donemus
VITA NOVA (2004) (69) [→ 3a. Opera]
chamber opera for alto baroque violin, viola da gamba and harpsichord.
– text: La Vita Nuova by Dante [English & Italian from the original]
– directed by Berend Strik and produced by Korzo Theater in the Hague
– commissioned by the Amsterdamse Fonds voor de Kunst
– premiere: 5 of May 2004 at the Korzo theater in the Hague
– duration: ca. 90 min.
published by: Donemus
2005 THYESTES (71)
for baritone (voice) & orchestra
– composed for the Sweelinck Orchestra and Romain Bischoff
– dedicated to Professor latin of the University of Amsterdam Harm Pinkster.
– commissioned by the University of Amsterdam in honor of Prof. Pinkster
– text: fragments from the tragedy Thyestes by Seneca [Latin]
– premiere: 15 June at the Concertgebouw, Amsterdam
– duration: ca. 20 min.
published by: Donemus
2011 O EN TIS OURANÍS (84a) [→ 3b. Oratoria]
fragment from Saint Luke Passion
for tenor, recorder, baroque violin, viola da gamba, archlute, harpsichord & organ
– especially arranged for tenor Marcel Beekman and baroque ensemble for his concert ‘Viagem no Tempo’
– text: fragment from Saint Luke Evangelio [Byzantine Greek]
– premiere: 19 February 2011 at Muziekgebouw aan ’t IJ, Marcel Beekman & Anthónio Carilho (recorder), Antoinette Lohmann (baroque violin), Mieneke van der Velden (viola da Gamba), David van Ooijen (archlute), Marco Vitale (harpsichord), Fabricio Ancanfora (organ)
– duration: 20 min.
– https://soundcloud.com/antoniocarrilhorecorder/caliope-tsoupaki-o-en-tis
published by: Donemus
2012 BLACK MOON (97)
for bass (voice) and bass clarinet
– text: Nasos Vayenas, fragments from Barbarous Odes XIII & XIV [ Greek]
– composed for Andreas Fischer (Stuttgart New Vocal Soloists) and Gareth Davis (bass clarinet)
– premiere: November Music Festival, 9 November 2012, Muzerije (Hofzaal), Den Bosch
– duration: ca. 10 min.
published by: Donemus
2014 ME TO FEGGARI… (104)
(subtitle: Me to feggari perpato)
for soprano and cello quartet
– the composition is based on a song from the Greek island Kalymnos ‘Me to Feggari perpato’ (I walk with the moon) [Greek]
– commissioned by Amsterdam Sinfonietta & Cello Biënnale Amsterdam
– premiere by Nora Fischer and members of Amsterdam Sinfonietta, 20 October 2014, Cello Bienalle 2014 (program Prayer and Dance), Muziekgebouw aan ’t IJ, 3 November 2014, Cello Biennale (program Cello Coupé), Muziekgebouw aan’t IJ
– duration: ca. 13 min.
published by: Donemus
ME TO FEGGÁRRI (2017) (104a) [→ 2b. Chamber music]
version for four violoncellos
duration: ca. 13 min.
published by: Donemus
2015 MÉLENA IMÍ (107)
for soprano, cornetto & viola da gamba
– text: fragment from ‘Song of Songs’ by Solomon [Greek Byzantine]
– composed for Bruce Dickey and Hana Blažiková specially for their program ‘Breathtaking’
– commissioned by Bruce Dickey
– premiere by Hana Blažiková (soprano), Bruce Dickey (cornetto) & Mieneke van der Velden (viola da gamba), 27 November 2015 at AMUZ , Antwerp, Belgium.
– duration 9 min.
published by: Donemus
2016 EXODION (111)
for tenor & organ
– text: fragments from THEOTOKARION by the Cretan Monk Agapios (Crete 1580 – Venice 1656) [Greek Byzantine]
– commissioned by Het Orgelpark
– premiere: Orgelpark, March 2017 by Marcel Beekman & Laurens de Man
– duration: ca. 25 min
published by: Donemus
EXODION (2016)
for alto or countertenor & organ
published by: Donemus
2021 PENELOPE (134)
for soprano, qanun and string quartet
– text: fragments from Homer’s Odyssey chosen by Gaea Schoeters
– commissioned by Wonderfeel Festival with the support of Performing Arts Fund NL as a part of the idea/concept ‘They have waited long enough’ initiated by Wonderfeel Festival
– premiere: 26 April 2021, Lunalia, Cultuurcentrum van Mechelen
– duration: ca. 15 min.
published by: Donemus
1c. Choir/vocal ensemble a cappella
for choir
– text: Fragments from David’s Psalms [Greek-Byzantine]
– premiere: Venus Choir, conductor: Daniel Reuss, 1993, Utrecht
– duration: ca.18 min.
published by: Donemus
2000 MARIE (62a) [→ 1d. Choir/vocal ensemble with instrumental accompaniment]
version for vocal quartet
– text: Antonis De Roovere (ca, 1430 – 1482) [Early Dutch/Flemish]
– duration: ca. 9 min. 30 sec.
published by: Donemus
for mixed choir
Composed for the Groot Omroep Koor for the Netherlands Music Days 2003.
– text: Antonis De Roovere (ca. 1430 – 1482) [Early Dutch/Flemish]
– commissioned by the Fonds voor de Scheppende Toonkunst
– premiere: 13 December 2003 during the Dutch Contemporary Music days Festival, Vredenburg, Utrecht
– duration: ca. 13 min.
published by: Donemus
2013 RING I, II, III (99)
for choir
– commissioned by the Dutch Opera (DNO) for the occasion of the performance of Wagner’s Der Ring des Nibelungen.
– the compositions embrace and incorporate several leitmotivs from the Ring Opera Cyclus.
– premiere: 2 November 2013 at the Boekmanzaal at the City Hall & Music Opera Building (Stopera). The performance was shaped and directed by Miranda Lakerveld.
– Ring II was sung under selected trees in the city of Amsterdam where people could simultaneously make their wish for 2014: for a better world, with respect for humans, animals and the planet, a life we all dream of. The activity was named “Boom Amsterdam is an opera”
– duration: 17 min.
published by: Donemus
2019 VESPER (122)
for mixed choir
– text: CODA text, phrases from Saint Nektarios Hymns to Maria [original Greek text].
– commissioned by November Music Festival
– composed specially for the open air activities before the premiere of LIKNON (Bosch requiem 2019)
– premiere: All Souls Day, 2nd of November 2019 during the November Music Festival 2019 Edition
– duration: ≥ 8-9 min.
published by: Donemus
1d. Choir/vocal ensemble with instrumental accompaniment
1995 EPIGRAMMA (36)
for choir & orchestra
– text: Kratis (Palatine Anthology) [Ancient Greek]
– premiere: Greek Metropolitan Chorale & the Bohuslav Martinů Philharmonic Orchestra, conductor: G. Tsontakis, 1995, Alice Tully Hall, New York
– duration: ca. 6 min.
published by: Donemus
1995 LINEOS (40)
for choir & chamber ensemble
– text: Epigrams from the Palatine Anthology [Ancient Greek]
– commissioned by the Fonds voor de Scheppende Toonkuns
– premiere: the Nederlands Studenten Kamerkoor, conducted by Daniel Reuss, 1996, Leiden
– duration: ca. 16 min.
published by: Donemus
1997 E GUERRA E MORTE (51)
for mixed choir and baroque ensemble (2 baroque violins, viola da gamba & theorbo)
– text: Torquato Tasso from Gerusalemme liberata [Italian]
– commissioned by the Rotterdamse Kunststichting
– premiere: Cappella Amsterdam, conducted by Daniel Reuss, 14 January 1998, Paradijskerk, Rotterdam
– duration: ca. 30 min.
published by: Donemus
1997-2010 THE FACE OF LOVE (41a) [→ 1a. Solo voice with piano]
Greek Love Songs [Greek]
version for vocal quartet & brass quartet
- S’AGAPO (Ik hou van je), (I love you) 1997
– text: Viktoria Makri - ELA I GLARI M’ANAGELNOUN (Kom, de meewen kondigen mij aan), (Come, the seagulls announce me) 1999
– text: Giorgos Saradaris
I ANIXI EFTASE (De lente is gekomen), (The spring has come) 1999
– text: Maria Polydouri - MAKRIA (Ver weg), (Far away) 1999
– text: Kostas Kavafis
– premiere by Egidius Kwartet and Rotterdam Philharmonic Brass Soloists, Holland Festival 2009 - FONES (Voices) 2010
– text: Kostas Kavafis - THIMISOU SOMA 2010
– text: Kostas Kavafis - EPESTREFE 2010
– text: Kostas Kavafis - MERES TOU 1903 2006
– text: Kostas Kavafis - O SEPTEMVRIS TOU 1903 2009
– text: Kostas Kavafis - O DEKEMVRIS TOU 1903 2009
– text: Kostas Kavafis - O GENNARIS TOU 1904 2009
– text: Kostas Kavafis - ETSI POLY ATENISA 2007
– text: Kostas Kavafis
– composed for Egidius Kwartet
– premiere: Holland festival 2009
published by: Donemus
2000 MARIE (62)
for vocal quartet and recorder quartet
– composed for Egidius Kwartet and recorder quartet Brisk.
– text: Antonis De Roovere (ca. 1430 – 1482) [Early Dutch/Flemish]
– commissioned by Egidius Kwartet and Brisk.
– duration: ca. 12 min.
published by: Donemus
MARIE (2000) (62a) [→ 1c. Choir/vocal ensemble a cappella]
version for vocal quartet
– text: Antonis De Roovere (ca. 1430 – 1482) [Early Dutch/Flemish]
– duration: ca. 9 min. 30 sec.
published by: Donemus
2008 EDEM (85)
for choir and chamber ensemble
– composed for the Netherlands Chamber Choir and Asko|Schönberg Ensemble
– text: ‘Oniro’ by Dionisios Solomos (Poet of the national Greek anthem) [Greek]
– commissioned by the Performing Arts Fund NL
– premiere: 9 November 2008, Muziekgebouw aan ’t IJ during the Netherlands Music Days of 2008
– duration: ca. 25 min.
published by: Donemus
2009 LA NOCHE (89)
for choir and flugelhorn
– text: ‘La noche en la isla’ by Pablo Neruda (Los versos del Capitán) [Spanish]
– composed for the Netherlands Chamber Choir and Andre Heuvelman
– commissioned by the Performing Arts Fund NL
– premiere: 16 March 2010, Muziekgebouw aan ’t IJ
– duration: ca. 18 min.
published by: Donemus
2010 EL VIENTO (91)
for choir, qanun and string quintet
– text: ‘El viento en la isla’ by Pablo Neruda (Los versos del Capitán) [Spanish]
– composed for Venus Choir, and Bassem Alkhouri, solo qanun.
– commissioned by the Performing Arts Fund NL
– premiere: 18 June 2011, Amstelkerk in Amsterdam
– duration: ca. 21 min.
published by: Donemus
Liturgic composition for choir and organ
– text: fragments from Psalms 148 & 150 [Byzantine Greek]
– composed for the Choir of Oude Kerk in Amsterdam and the organist Jacob Lekkerkerker
– commissioned by Oude Kerk
– 2011, Oude Kerk, Amsterdam
– duration: 8 min.
published by: Donemus
variation on the melody ‘Mit Fried Und Freud ich fahr dahin’ (Luther)
for choir and baroque ensemble
– premiere: 28 August 2012 during the Early Music Festival, Utrecht at the Dom Cathedral
– duration: 4 min.
published by: Donemus
2012 JESU (96)
variation on the melody “Jesu meine Freude” (Johann Crüger)
for choir and baroque ensemble
– premiere: 28 August 2012 during the Early Music Festival, Utrecht at the Dom Cathedral
– duration: 4 min.
published by: Donemus
2014 OEDIPUS’ DREAM (102)
for choir and double reed wind quintet (oboe, clarinet, alto saxophone, bassoon & bass clarinet)
– composed within a 24 hours enclosure of the composer in a glass house at Muziekgebouw aan ’t IJ from 6 March 2014, 4 pm till 7 March 4 pm. The concept ‘Far From Home’ was meant to show the public the loneliness of the creative composing procedure
– commissioned by Calefax Reed Quintet and the Netherlands Chamber Choir
– the composition is later included in an alternative setting as an introduction (Parodos) of the OIDIPOUS oratorio. [→3b. Oratoria]
– text: fragment from the original text of Sophocles tragedy, Oedipus te Colonus
– premiere: 3 April 2014 by Calefax and the Netherlands Chamber Choir
– duration: ca. 4 min.
published by: Donemus
for female choir and organ
– text: Fragment from Psalm 61 [Greek Byzantine]
– commissioned by Dutch Gregorian Festival
– premiere: 4 June 2016, Grote Kerk, Den Bosch
– duration: ca. 7 min.
published by: Donemus
2019 ASTRON (126)
for mixed choir and ensemble
– text: Orphic Hymn ‘For the stars’
– commissioned by Bruce Dickey
– premiere: 15 November 2019 at AMUZ , Antwerp (B)
– duration: ± 10 min.
published by: Donemus
2023 AURORA (146)
for mixed choir and orchestra
– text: Calliope Tsoupaki
– commissioned by AVROTROS Vrijdagconcert
– premiere: 15 September 2023 by the Radio Philharmonic Orchestra and the Netherlands Radio Choir conducted by Karina Canellakis
– Especially composed for the 2023-2024 seasin opening concert
– duration: ± 17 min.
published by: Donemus