‘Pour Notre-Dame’ on Aart Bergwerff’s latest CD

After the fire in the Parisian cathedral Notre Dame, Composer Laureate Calliope Tsoupaki wrote ‘Pour Notre-Dame’. She was very moved by what happened: ‘The Notre-Dame is the cradle of our western music’. Right after the fire I started to compose ‘Pour Notre-Dame’: for our beloved lady, for the church and for the music that unites us all.”
The piece was premiered by organist Jan Hage on 20 April 2019 (Holy Saturday) in the Dom, Utrecht, the Netherlands. Several organists played the piece after the call to play this piece in the week of Easter. Organists are still playing the piece.
Recently Aart Bergwerff’s CD came out at the occasion of 50 years organ in the Grote Kerk in Breda, the Netherlands. ‘Pour Notre-Dame’ is the closing piece of the CD and it is the first CD-recording of this composition.
=> Click here to order the CD
=> Click here to listen to the church bells of the Hillen-organ during the piece of ‘Pour Notre-Dame’ (website disconnected on Sunday).
=> Click here to read more about ‘Pour Notre-Dame’ and to download a free score of the piece.
=> Are you an organist who is planning to play and/or record ‘Pour Notre-Dame’? Please send the details to the Composer Laureate, to make sure the information appears on the website.