World Premiere : Falling

March 8 2024
Falling is specially composed for Phion with conducter Alexei Ogrintchouk
“Falling is full of contrasts…. It’s falling in love. Falling apart. Falling for something. It is: I give up, I go with it, I offer no more resistance. Or the night is falling. The silence falls… There are so many colours to the word.”
Calliope Tsoupaki on her commissioned composition Falling
“We are actually now forming a new vocabulary, ideas and reflections about how our lives were and how they are becoming. About things that used to be taken for granted, philosophical values that we shared and told each other. Which we now think: How could we believe that? We are at a point where we have clearly arrived at the formation of future ideas. And that can also create loneliness. Because nothing can be taken for granted anymore. But for an artist that is always inspiration, and especially for me! For me, nothing is self-evident. I always have to explore everything.”
“It’s a 13-minute orchestral work. I have transferred. I have my technique, I have my way of doing things. But when it is also picked up, then it starts to be a miracle. 13 minutes. But it can seem long, because there’s a lot going on. I also think we’re really out of time.”
“That inevitably has an impact. On how you listen. That you might feel like you’ve heard a really long piece. And that only 13 minutes have gone by.”
Concert dates :
Friday 8 maart |20:00 | Orpheus, Apeldoorn | introduction 19:00
Saturday 9 maart | 20:00 | Musis, Arnhem | introduction 19:00
Sunday 10 maart | 14:15 | De Vereeniging, Nijmegen | introduction 13:15
Friday 15 maart | 20:00 | Theater De Spiegel, Zwolle | introduction 19:00
Saturday 16 maart | 20:00 | Amphion, Doetinchem | introduction 19:00
Sunday 17 maart | 14:30 | Muziekcentrum, Enschede | introduction 13:30
More info and tickets here
Watch a video interview with Calliope Tsoupaki about her composition Falling!